Place-Based Making: IEFA and the Visual Arts Origins, Function, Form, & Contemporary Art
Indian Education for All

This online self-paced class will allow participants to study Indian Education for All through the lense of the visual arts. Participants will explore The Art of Storytelling: Plains Indian Perspectives and Learning Through Art; A Beautiful Tradition: Ingenuity and Adaptation in a Century of Plateau Women’s Art; Crossing Boundaries Through Art; and Learning Through Art: Corwin (Corkey) Clairmont and Juane Quick-to-See Smith, all available on the Office of Public Instruction website. Participants will use these materials as they complete a selection of instructional activities and design lessons appropriate for use in their own setting. Most required materials will be provided in the course moodle or through the OPI website, though participants may need to seek additional resources at their local museum or school district art department or library. 

Credit: 2 Credits